Watch Noah Online : Adventure | Drama 2014
comparison with, say, the works of Michael Bay (Transformers, Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles), Noah is a masterpiece of complexity, a far more
thoughtful movie than most modern films relying on visual
effects.However, in comparison with his own work, the film feels more
tentative. Adapting the Word of God is daunting, for sure. Creating a
world that audiences can believe in is hard too, especially when you
introduce Fallen Angels who look like Transformers made of rock (his
version of the Bible's Nephilim).There is neither a zebra nor giraffe to
be seen in Noah. Aronofsky's desire to avoid the cliches drives him to
invent new versions of our animals, probably because he
could.Computer-generated animals are easier to wrangle than real ones.
Their arrival on his ark, a great, square monolith of wood and pitch, is
the film's biggest missed opportunity. The animals arrive unbidden,
then Noah's wife, Naameh (Jennifer Connelly), puts them all to sleep
with a wave of her special narcotic incense. That is because Noah isn't
about the critters. It's a film about human reproduction and human
folly. The animals just get in the way.
The Bible is very
specific about the humans who went on board: Noah and his wife, three
sons and three wives. The movie changes that, to ensure the survival of
sin. The eldest boy, Shem (Douglas Booth), is sweet on Ila (Emma
Watson), an orphan they rescued 10 years earlier. The youngest, Japheth
(Leo McHugh Carroll), is too young to care, but the middle boy, Ham
(Logan Lerman), has no one.With the sky clouding over and ''King''
Tubal-Cain (Ray Winstone) threatening to storm the ark with his hordes
of meat-eating men (it's like the Titanic in reverse), Ham goes looking
for a mate. More bad timing.Aronofsky has great ambition and talent, and
Noah is better than most of what is out there in the big end of movie
production. It has big ideas and big melodrama, and it is gorgeous to
the eye. The Icelandic landscapes alone are breathtaking. Russell Crowe
gives his best, which is better than most, but it still feels like a
film that loses its way. Aronofsky is trying to please everyone, given
that Noah is legend to Jews, Christians and Muslims.However, it is not
about religion. It is about dominion, whether we have the right to
destroy the planet. If there is a bigger modern theme, I can't think of
it. Falling short of greatness, the film falls back on warfare,
spectacle and sermon. It is big, wet and portentous, but the rebirth of
mankind should be more than that.
"There is a tide in the affairs
of men, which, taken at the flood leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the
voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.'' - Brutus,
Julius Caesar, Act 4, Scene 3. Some tide. Even by Hollywood standards,
which grow more immodest every year, Noah is big - no less than the
destruction of all mankind, save for one man and his family. Now that's a
disaster movie, and from an impeccable source, the Book of Genesis,
but, as Shakespeare warned, the timing must be perfect. In Noah, Darren
Aronofsky, the film's director and co-writer (with Ari Handel), enters
the deep waters of the human condition, trying to make a meaningful film
for a modern audience. However, he loses his way, perhaps because he
does not trust us. The film's environmental message - that we must act
now and face the damage bill of global warming or perish - is repeated
so often that it loses power.
AdvertisementLike many before him,
Aronofsky has had to compromise to open the studio treasury - reported
cost, $US130 million ($142 million). The compromise is not in the final
cut, despite the well-publicised stoush he had with Paramount, but in
the suppositions he made at the outset.Aronofsky became fascinated with
the story of Noah when he was 13, frightened by its implications. That
may explain why the movie is pitched at a younger audience than his
other works (Black Swan, The Fountain, The Wrestler).
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